14 Quotes That Inspire You To Be Gentle and Kind With Yourself and Others

A special newsletter from Gentleness Ambassadors

Bingz Huang


Photo by Thomas Oxford on Unsplash

“Gentleness is very rarely taught, especially in regards to being gentle with ourselves.” ~ Camille Grady

Dear fellow gentle humans,

This is a special edition of Gentleness Ambassadors, for several reasons:

  1. I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Camille Grady, who has agreed to be a fellow editor for this publication too! I featured her in this short article here, along with links to some of her articles in Gentleness Ambassadors.
  2. Like many of you, I’ve been feeling very troubled by the tragedies happening in the world, especially the rapidly rising number of COVID-19 cases in India. I think all of us can benefit from a dose of Gentleness at this time.
  3. And as a special tribute to all the writers who have contributed to Gentleness Ambassadors, I’ve compiled a list of quotes from their articles on Kindness and Gentleness in this publication.

As you read these quotes, I’d like you to notice how your body reacts to these words. Allow these words to soften your hearts and widen your smiles, or let out your tears. Take some time to read the articles listed here that intrigue you. I hope…



Bingz Huang

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.