Hi Ashley, I'm not sure how to advise on curation, but I'd like to share a few suggestions to highlight the value in you article. I appreciate learning some new things about taking care of chickens and from your perspective of having an indoor pet chicken.
I love your point of view, and I would prefer to highlight your perspective in the headers, rather than highlight the negative comments/doubts you receive from naysayers.
Here are some sample headers I can think of.
#1. What truly matters is not where chickens are raised but that they are happy, healthy, and safe.
#2. It’s not immoral to not produce eggs.
#3. My chicken is perfectly happy, healthy, and safe AND she gets her beak and nails trimmed by me.
#4. It's perfectly possilble to meet the basic needs of a chicken while keeping it indoors.
Hope this helps somewhat :)